Monday, 17 February 2025

Choose a Convenient Toilet

Toilet is absolute devices in the bathroom. A convenient toilet when used, certainly supports your comfort in the bathroom. Imagine what would happen your bathroom without a toilet? It’s certainly felt less complete, isn’t it? The existence of the toilet is “mandatory” for a bathroom. A convenient toilet when in use, would be an option. Basically there are two types of toilet. Squat toilet and toilet seat. Each has advantages and disadvantages of each.

Although traditional impressed, not a few people who are still more comfortable using squat toilet. Now, squat toilet there was already equipped with a sprinkler water system and the washer jet, toilet seat too. The technologies such us washer jet and eco-washer, it’s added to the convenience of using the toilet seat. The shape and design is also increasingly diverse.

Beautiful toilet seat

Choose a Convenient Toilet - Water Closet

Unique toilet seat

unique toliet seat

To avoid confusion, the following guidelines may be a consideration when choosing Your toilet. Especially for the toilet seat. Choose the cover toilet are a little unique in design. The motives and unique design, making the toilet display look unique than others. But don’t forget, customize your Setup with bathroom style and your needs. You can add a little accessory on top of the water tank. Placement of accessories can create an atmosphere warmer room. Using a special toilet with an angled water tank placement is very profitable. Corner of the room to be more effective for the water tank. But still convenient to you sitting in the toilet.

Here some of squat toilet pictures for your inspirations

Japanese squat toilet

Japanese squat toilet

Asian squat toilet

Asian squat toilet

Squat toilet

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